Saturday, March 19, 2011

Just Wanna Make a Buck...

I finally saw my broker and got that pesky commission issue straightened out. I think you'll all agree that we reached a fair and equitable conclusion...

Now that I'm at the end of the first quarter of trading it's time to take a look at the gains and losses so far. I have a net gain for the first three months but I also have racked up some serious commissions. It's something I need to look at going forward. There isn't a set formula for this sort of thing. It depends on everyone's individual trading style. Some traders scale in their positions; others put on a full position right at the beginning of the trade. The first trading style, obviously, will cost more in the end than the other. There are also stocks that cost more to trade and fall outside of the standard commission schedule. It's an individual's decision on how he or she prefers to trade but it's something that needs to be factored into each persons trading decisions.

OK. Now that I've gotten that out of the way.  I wish you all a good weekend. There's a full moon tonight... it's the "worm moon" and it's orbit brings it the closest to the earth that it's been in a long time. The next time it comes this close will be 2027. If you're as old as I am (older than dirt) you won't be around so please enjoy the view while you can. If you're lucky, and it's a crystal clear night, the view is magnificent.

Be well. Stay safe. Will have setups to share later this weekend.

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